Akram Toujani, was born in Tunisia, and he graduated in Visual Arts with specialization in painting from the Higher Institute of Fine Arts of Tunis.
Akram Toujani, was born in Tunisia, and he graduated in Visual Arts with specialization in painting from the Higher Institute of Fine Arts of Tunis.
احتضنت جدران مفترق شارع الجمهورية بالعاصمة تظاهرة في الفن التشكيلي تواصلت على مدى ثلاثة ايام نهاية الاسبوع الفارط , تحت اشراف وزارة الثقافة وبتنظيم من المندوبية الجهوية للثقافة بتونس واللجنة الثقافية الوطنية اضافة الى اتحاد الفنانين التشكيليين ورابطة الفنانين التشكيليين
Art was my passion, I studied it in the institute of art and it became my profession, so for me it’s for both fun and a profession. Social media reduces distances and differences between the artist and his public, it helped the artist to get his art out of the exhibition halls.